Sunday, February 3, 2008

Saying you're Sorry

Saying sorry should not be difficult. Even if you feel that you have hurt someone unintentionally, saying sorry can smooth over any hurt feelings.

It's so easy to say! And yet, many people still won't bring themselves to saying they are sorry...perhaps they think it is a sign of weekness. Whatever, their rationale is for not saying sorry, that simple phrase can disarm heated arguments and can allow the time needed to continue explaining why you are sorry!

Don't say sorry too much! As with anything, more sometimes is not better! Throwing out "sorries" when not warranted can yield the sorry be worth less than a well-placed sorry. But speaking from the heart, a sorry can lighten the load or provide that needed relief in a relationship or simple misunderstanding.

Saying that you are sorry isn't the end of the world! It is not a sign of weekness either! Being able to say that you're sorry means that you are willing to take resposibility for the action you may have commited. For those misinterpretations that we get outselves into every once in awhile, saying sorry can bring relief to the other party feeling wronged.

Just saying that you are sorry can begin the forgiveness process. Too many times, two parties are unwilling to begin forgiving the other person...mainly because they are waiting for the other party to admit that they were wrong. Saying that are sorry doesn't mean that you are admitting that you are wrong. You can begin saying you are sorry by simply saying that you are sorry for misunderstanding the situation. Forgiving one another may not be easy, but with a simple "Sorry" you can begin this process.

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